Plough bodies
and points

Överum has developed a range of plough bodies to ensure you can select not only the right plough for the application, but one that works with your soil and topographical conditions. Together with a choice of different points you can exactly define the effectiveness of the soil engaging parts, short points for rocky or stony ground, or more streamlined flush points for particularly sticky soil types.

Plough bodies


XL Type

The XL is a turning plough body with an extremely low draft requirement. Perfect for all applications and for use in all soil types, it is suitable for ploughing depths of 10-28cm and with working widths of 30-55cm.


XLP Type

The XLP has the same properties as the XL but its mouldboard is made of plastic, ideal when working in sticky soils.


XLD Type

The XLD is a turning plough body with a low draft requirement, and has been design to work with tractors fitted with wide tyres (710mm). Delivering excellent furrow turning, it is suitable for ploughing depths of 12-35cm and with working widths of 40-60cm. Both single support stays and double support stays are available.


XSD Type

The XSD is the newest addition to the range, it has a slatted design with 4 individually replaceable strips. Suitable for all soil types, and performs particularly well in sticky soil conditions which are characterized by a low draft requirement. Excellent turning characteristics of the furrows to depths of 12-35cm and working widths of 40-60cm.


XU Type

The XU has a larger, universal body with good crumbling performance and very good furrow clearance– ideal when working with tractors fitted with wide tyres. It is suitable for ploughing depths down to 30cm and with working widths from 40cm. Both single support stays and double support stays are available.


XS Type

The XS has a slatted body, composed for four individually replaceable strips. Suitable for all soil types, it comes into its own in particularly sticky soil. Delivering intensive crumbling, it is perfect for working on slopes. XS bodies are suitable for ploughing depths down to 35cm and with working widths from 40cm.

Precision points

The share points on Överum plough bodies are extralong and have been engineered by design to ensure uniform wear. The design delivers outstanding soil contact. On Flush and Special points, the share and the mouldboard are in the same plane, making for a uniform wear profile, reduced power requirements as well as reducing the likelihood of soil sticking to the mouldboard.


Reversible Point

Reversible point for improved capacity and increased durability.


Flush Point

Flush point for improved soil flow and minimum adherence in sticky soils.


Short Point

Short point for rocky conditions is available through Aftermarket solutions.

2025 Overum Industries