Fully mounted reversible ploughs

Fully mounted conventional plough


The Överum CT series consists of models from 2 to 5 furrows with a fully automatic hydraulic stone release system (H) or a version with a fixed beam and shear bolts (F). The Överum CT is designed with an emphasis on durability and clearance to ensure long life and trouble-free operation. The long body-to-body clearance provides free flow of crop residue and enough room for modern, efficient front plows. The frame design is simple and robust. Furrow width adjustment in three steps is robust and maintenance-free, 14, 16 or 18 inches (35, 40 or 45 cm).

Technical specifications

Model Number of furrows Clearance between points Clearance under the beam Approx. weight
CT 3975 F 3 90 cm 75 cm 570 kg
CT 3980 F 3 90 cm 80 cm 580 kg
CT 4975 F 4 90 cm 75 cm 725 kg
CT 4980 F 4 90 cm 80 cm 735 kg
CT 5975 F(4+1) 5 90 cm 75 cm 870 kg
CT 5980 F(4+1) 5 90 cm 80 cm 880 kg
2025 Overum Industries