Fully mounted reversible ploughs

Fully mounted reversible plough


Reversible fully mounted plough, "Non-Stop" hydraulic. Överum Xcelsior EX represents the heavy-duty class of fully mounted reversible ploughs for tractors up to 300 hp. The EX-series consists of models from four to six furrows, with fully automatic hydraulic stone release system or with shear bolt protection.

Technical Specifications

Model Number of furrows Point to point clearance Under beam clearance Approx. weight
EX 4975 H 4 90 75 1690
EX 4980 H 4 90 80 1695
EX 41075 H 4 100 75 1695
EX 41080 H 4 100 80 1700
EX 5975 H* 5 90 75 2040
EX 5980 H* 5 90 80 2045
EX 51075 H* 5 100 75 2045
EX 51080 H* 5 100 80 2050
EX 6975 H* 6 90 75 2320
EX 6980 H* 6 90 80 2325
EX 61075 H* 6 100 75 2325
EX 61075 H* 6 100 80 2340
*Extension possible.


2025 Overum Industries